Class registration

Class registration

Membership management


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Welcome. We’re so glad you’re here. Here is a step-by-step walk through for class registration and managing your membership.

If you have questions beyond this, we’re here to help. Send us an email at

Step 1: Go to our schedule page (see button below) then follow the steps in the photo carousel.


Keep scrolling for tips on managing your membership and troubleshooting.


Membership management


You’re always 100% in control of your membership, and you can access many features when you have a login account including:

  • membership number

  • renewal dates

  • view past and upcoming classes

  • reschedule or cancel classes as needed

  • access the zoom links to your online classes

  • update your payment information easily when you want/need to switch credit cards

  • increase, decrease, or cancel your membership



Dang it! Technology is great when it works smoothing, huh??? We’re here to help if a glitch has got you down.

8 times out of 10 there’s a simple fix —- you know the annoying advice of “Did you turn it off and on again?”

  • Most issues can be solved by ensuring our phones and computers have the most current update installed and clearing our cookies. Google is really helpful in learning how to update and clear cookies on your particular device.

  • Did you update and clear cookies, but are having troubling scrolling up and down on a mobile device when scheduling? Here are a few tips:

    • Scroll on the outside edges of the screen in the light gray area, or

    • Turn your device to landscape mode (aka sideways), so there is more gray border around the schedule, or

    • Check out the schedule from a computer

  • It is something else? Please let us know. Wellness (not tech) is our forte’ and we do make errors on our end. We appreciate it when you let us know something is wonky, so we can create a more peaceful experience for you and our other community members. Other times, we have to reach out to our tech providers for help, but we will help you navigate this. Screen shots of the issue you are having and the type of device you are using can help us assist you more quickly.

Never let technology keep you from your wellbeing.

Reach out to us, and we will create a solution so you can enjoy a tech-free hour on your mat!